The VEX Files

      Stolen from alt.ascii-art by Kei/Carnage coz they're funny!

It seems that quite a few people missed out on the original posts of the
Vex Files, so I'm reposting the first 4 (the only 4!  so far)

                                          ___ ___
    THE VEX FILES  #1                    /-_-/-  \
        _                               ///--_-\\\\
       /-\.-.                           |// " \\\\|
      //=" \\\                          \/__ __\///
     /=/_  _\=                           \-/ /- |/
    //| ,  ,/=              .---.  ) )   // /   .)
   / /C   \ \ \       ( (  /_  _ \      |(__)\ /|
   |  |   "  | |           \\></ /      |_---'__/
   \\_\\_ ^ ///             \"  /      _/ \--'/ \__
    ___/ \-/\___         ___/\~/\___  / | // /\ |  \
   /    \/\\/   \           \    \   /  |/|| \_\|  |
   \  \_  \\   \ \           \_/_/\ /  / ||| _\  | |
    \ ==\-._..-| |           / |\  /  /|/ ||  \\ | |
     \  """_.--" /         _/ _| \   / || \/    \| |
     /`--""\"---"                 `-'  ||=======|/ |
    / /_/  /\ \\                       |\  .   /\_/
    \_____/  \__\                      |/| |_  \_/|
     \        /                        |:|  |   |\|
     /________\                        |:|  |   |:|
        \ ) )                          |:|  |   |:|
DrS     / |/                           |:|  |   |:|
       .\ |                            |:|  |   |:|
      /\/_|                             "|__|___|"
     /_ |  \_                           _.' |' |
       \_\\__\                         (___(___)

  Mouldy fails to impress Scurvy with his new evidence


         _..._                                 ___ ___
      _."     "._      THE VEX FILES  #2      /-_-/-  \
   .-"/         \"-.                         ///--_-\\\\
 ."   -.__   __.-   ".                       |// " \\\\|
 \       /"""\       /                       \/____ \///
 \"-._  /\___/\  _..--.                       /-) -  |/
  "-._""-/___\-""_/    \    .---.             \/    /.)
  _/  ""-\___/-"" \    /   / _  _\            (_)    |__
         /___\     \ _/    \ \><//             \--'__| /
         \___/      / \\  \ \  "/ /        .---`-'.__./\
            ___   \/\  \   \/\o/\/       .'/"\_/""      \
           /   \     \_/    \   /      .'__| /           |
          /   \ \    / \_    \_/     .'/ /  /   /   |    |
      ___/__n__\/   _\   `   / \    c-+----'   /    |   / \
     / /  / *:              _\  \_  E_|____   /\   ___ /--'
       \_/) ::#  ..                  \\\\  """         \ /
       | \  :DrS:.                    \\ \              |
      _/ /_``:%:'.                     |\  \          / |
                                       | /             /
                                       \  /      |   \ \
    Mouldy reveals the real            /  _____   ____  \ DrS.
    reason for the long               `--"\  \ """\  \"-'
    raincoats.                             \  \   _\  \
                                        .__/--|  ( `--|
                                       (___.__|   `|__|


                      (   (            )  )   _____ ____
THE VEX FILES  #3      \_               _/   ///=- \-=- \  .------------.
         ___           ( "--         --" )  ///|==\//=\\ \ | It must be |
        /---\\--.       ( (      )    ) )   ||//==\//=\\\\\| demonic    |
       // /==\/-\\      \_     (       _/   \\\/     \\\|||| posession. |
      ///=/     \ \     ( "--    )  --" )    \/ _  __ \///|`-. .--------'
     |_/=/ ._  _.\=      ( (   )     ) )      \"\  /"-.\|//  |/
     / /=   ." . /=\     \_   (  (    _/      /`/ /`   ||/   '
    / / /     \  \\ \    ( "   (  )  " )     / /       .)
   | /|(.     "   || |    )(  ))) )) )(      |(__.)\  /|
   \  \\|    /-\  |/ /  __\ (()(((()( /__  _ |  ___,   |  _
    \\_\\\_  `-' /_//  |.-'   """"""  `-.| \"-\  - ____/-"/
     "   /\`\___/|/\   ||   -._ .-.     ||__\|/`---' /\| /____
   _..--'\ \  .  / /--.||   -._| | |    ||   \\ \ _ / ///     "\
  /       \_\---/   *. ||   -._|"|"|    || .*  \_/ \_///__      |
 |        \  \ /      .||   -._|.-.|    ||.      \_/ /   /      |
 |   |     \  /    *.  ||_______________||  .*   / \|   /   Y   |
            \    *.  . /.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-_\ .     | ||  /    |   |
   DrS.             . /.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-._\\ .*        /         |
                  *. /.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.\ .*
             ( (    /_____/___________\___o_\    ) ) 

               Scurvy suspects a more mundane reason
               for the self-destruction of her laptop.


                                                  ___ ___
                                (             )  /-_-/-  \
  THE VEX FILES  #4                 _  _        ///--_-\\\\ .---------.
                                 ) /--/-\     ( |// " \\\\| | Woah... |
                                  /// "=\\      \/-' `-\/// | Look at `--.
                                 (=/_,._\=\    ) \^/ /^ |/  | the little |
                                 )=\_  _ |\\  (  // /   .)  | grey dude  |
                                 / / /   )\ \  )|(__)\ /| ._| go!! .-----'
                    .--------.  | (  "   |  |  *====\\__/ `--------'
                    | Tshyaa |   \*==\\_//_//  _/`- c \ \_
                    | right. |_.  _/\c \-__   / | // \/\| "\
                    `----------' / \//\/\  "\ | |/|| \  \  |
                                //  \\ \ \/ / || ||| _\  \ |
                               / \_. \\_\  /  ||/ ||  \\  '|
                               \ \\  //  \//  ||| \/    \__/
            .---.               \_/  /     \  ||\=======| |
  .---.    /_  _ \       .---.  /// /\  \_\ \ /|/| .   \|-|
 / _  _\   \\></ /      /_  _ \ /__/_ \_____/ \|:| |_   | |
 \ \><//   \\"  //      \\></ /   \        /   |:|  |   |\|
  \  "/     \\7//        \"  /    /________\   |:|  |   |:|
  _\^/       /  \         \^/_      (_(_ /     |:|  |   |:|
 //  \\_     \__/       _//  \\      | | )     |:|  |   |:|
  \__/  \     \_\__    /  \__/       | | / DrS  "|__|___|"
   \ \   ".          ."    / \      _/_/-|      _.' |' |
   /_/_    "--....--"     _\ /_    /_/__/|     (___(___)

     Scurvy knows better than to trust Mouldy when he's stoned.


#5 should be on it's way pretty soon...

Kei  recommends all ascii artists to check out the ascii art news groups
on USENET for alternative ascii..
