The VEX Files
Stolen from alt.ascii-art by Kei/Carnage coz they're funny!
It seems that quite a few people missed out on the original posts of the
Vex Files, so I'm reposting the first 4 (the only 4! so far)
___ ___
THE VEX FILES #1 /-_-/- \
_ ///--_-\\\\
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//=" \\\ \/__ __\///
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| | " | | \\></ / |_---'__/
\\_\\_ ^ /// \" / _/ \--'/ \__
___/ \-/\___ ___/\~/\___ / | // /\ | \
/ \/\\/ \ \ \ / |/|| \_\| |
\ \_ \\ \ \ \_/_/\ / / ||| _\ | |
\ ==\-._..-| | / |\ / /|/ || \\ | |
\ """_.--" / _/ _| \ / || \/ \| |
/`--""\"---" `-' ||=======|/ |
/ /_/ /\ \\ |\ . /\_/
\_____/ \__\ |/| |_ \_/|
\ / |:| | |\|
/________\ |:| | |:|
\ ) ) |:| | |:|
DrS / |/ |:| | |:|
.\ | |:| | |:|
/\/_| "|__|___|"
/_ | \_ _.' |' |
\_\\__\ (___(___)
Mouldy fails to impress Scurvy with his new evidence
_..._ ___ ___
_." "._ THE VEX FILES #2 /-_-/- \
.-"/ \"-. ///--_-\\\\
." -.__ __.- ". |// " \\\\|
\ /"""\ / \/____ \///
\"-._ /\___/\ _..--. /-) - |/
"-._""-/___\-""_/ \ .---. \/ /.)
_/ ""-\___/-"" \ / / _ _\ (_) |__
/___\ \ _/ \ \><// \--'__| /
\___/ / \\ \ \ "/ / .---`-'.__./\
___ \/\ \ \/\o/\/ .'/"\_/"" \
/ \ \_/ \ / .'__| / |
/ \ \ / \_ \_/ .'/ / / / | |
___/__n__\/ _\ ` / \ c-+----' / | / \
/ / / *: _\ \_ E_|____ /\ ___ /--'
\_/) ::# .. \\\\ """ \ /
| \ :DrS:. \\ \ |
_/ /_``:%:'. |\ \ / |
| / /
\ / | \ \
Mouldy reveals the real / _____ ____ \ DrS.
reason for the long `--"\ \ """\ \"-'
raincoats. \ \ _\ \
.__/--| ( `--|
(___.__| `|__|
( ( ) ) _____ ____
THE VEX FILES #3 \_ _/ ///=- \-=- \ .------------.
___ ( "-- --" ) ///|==\//=\\ \ | It must be |
/---\\--. ( ( ) ) ) ||//==\//=\\\\\| demonic |
// /==\/-\\ \_ ( _/ \\\/ \\\|||| posession. |
///=/ \ \ ( "-- ) --" ) \/ _ __ \///|`-. .--------'
|_/=/ ._ _.\= ( ( ) ) ) \"\ /"-.\|// |/
/ /= ." . /=\ \_ ( ( _/ /`/ /` ||/ '
/ / / \ \\ \ ( " ( ) " ) / / .)
| /|(. " || | )( ))) )) )( |(__.)\ /|
\ \\| /-\ |/ / __\ (()(((()( /__ _ | ___, | _
\\_\\\_ `-' /_// |.-' """""" `-.| \"-\ - ____/-"/
" /\`\___/|/\ || -._ .-. ||__\|/`---' /\| /____
_..--'\ \ . / /--.|| -._| | | || \\ \ _ / /// "\
/ \_\---/ *. || -._|"|"| || .* \_/ \_///__ |
| \ \ / .|| -._|.-.| ||. \_/ / / |
| | \ / *. ||_______________|| .* / \| / Y |
\ *. . /.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-_\ . | || / | |
DrS. . /.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-._\\ .* / |
*. /.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.\ .*
( ( /_____/___________\___o_\ ) )
Scurvy suspects a more mundane reason
for the self-destruction of her laptop.
___ ___
( ) /-_-/- \
THE VEX FILES #4 _ _ ///--_-\\\\ .---------.
) /--/-\ ( |// " \\\\| | Woah... |
/// "=\\ \/-' `-\/// | Look at `--.
(=/_,._\=\ ) \^/ /^ |/ | the little |
)=\_ _ |\\ ( // / .) | grey dude |
/ / / )\ \ )|(__)\ /| ._| go!! .-----'
.--------. | ( " | | *====\\__/ `--------'
| Tshyaa | \*==\\_//_// _/`- c \ \_
| right. |_. _/\c \-__ / | // \/\| "\
`----------' / \//\/\ "\ | |/|| \ \ |
// \\ \ \/ / || ||| _\ \ |
/ \_. \\_\ / ||/ || \\ '|
\ \\ // \// ||| \/ \__/
.---. \_/ / \ ||\=======| |
.---. /_ _ \ .---. /// /\ \_\ \ /|/| . \|-|
/ _ _\ \\></ / /_ _ \ /__/_ \_____/ \|:| |_ | |
\ \><// \\" // \\></ / \ / |:| | |\|
\ "/ \\7// \" / /________\ |:| | |:|
_\^/ / \ \^/_ (_(_ / |:| | |:|
// \\_ \__/ _// \\ | | ) |:| | |:|
\__/ \ \_\__ / \__/ | | / DrS "|__|___|"
\ \ ". ." / \ _/_/-| _.' |' |
/_/_ "--....--" _\ /_ /_/__/| (___(___)
Scurvy knows better than to trust Mouldy when he's stoned.
#5 should be on it's way pretty soon...
Kei recommends all ascii artists to check out the ascii art news groups
on USENET for alternative ascii..